I am Laurie Potz. I see you and I hear you.

My purpose and focus are to help others who have breast health issues and breast cancer find themselves again. We can move on after cancer and live full and meaning full lives. Life Coaching helped me and it can help you too. I see you for the beautiful person you are. I hear you and want to listen!
You are important, you are beautiful, you have purpose.
I am a breast cancer survivor and thriver. I live in Pawleys Island, SC with my husband, Steve and our rescue bulldog, Marley. I received my professional life coaching training at iPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching). Coaching transformed my life, and I know it will do the same for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you to discuss how working together can help you!
My Story
On August 22, 2019, my life changed forever when I was officially diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The next few days, weeks and months were filled with doctor’s appointments, information overload and advice overload. The stress took its toll on my mind and body and I came down with Shingles just weeks before my first mastectomy was scheduled. Recovering from Shingles forced me to realize what was happening to my overall mental and physical wellness.
I knew right then and there that I was going to get through this, and use my experience to help others.

I started having symptoms in 2017. I was experiencing bloody discharge from my left breast. The doctor orders mammograms, ultrasounds, MRI and did not find cancer. They diagnosed me with Intraductal Papilloma, so I had surgery to remove it. I had follow ups with my breast surgeon and mammograms every 6 months, since I was considered high risk for cancer. The discharge continued and then started on the right side as well. The thoughts of cancer became a daily routine in my life and I struggled mentally.

Once the surgeries and treatments began, the ugly truth of cancer started to show its ugly face. Let me let you, it is ugly and awful! The pain and sickness from the surgeries and treatments is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. 13, count them, 13 surgeries later and they tell me I am whole again. I am anything but whole, both of my breasts are gone, replaced now with what I like to call "Foobies." My body is scarred, my hair is still a hot mess as it tries to grow back in, my finger and toe nails with never be the same, chemo has wrecked them for life. I struggle to find clothes that fit and cover my scars.
And yet, I get up every single morning, because I know, I have a purpose.
After all, if you have life, you have purpose.
Why Breathe Coaching?
You may be wondering, where did the name Breathe Life Coaching come from? Breathe is my word, it helps me to focus and center. As you most likely know, when you have an MRI for breast imaging, you are required to lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out, like Superman in flight. I tend to hold my breath when stressed. One time in the MRI machine, I realized the long road I was going to be forced to travel. I decided to have it tattooed on my left wrist. As I was laying there, I looked up to my left wrist and said out loud “Breathe”. From that moment on, it has become my word to focus and center myself.
I see you for the beautiful person you are. I hear you and want to listen!

As I mentioned earlier, my purpose and focus are to help others who have breast health issues and breast cancer find themselves again. We can move on after cancer and live full and meaningful lives. Life Coaching helped me and it can help you too.
I see you for the beautiful person you are. I hear you and want to listen!
You are important, you are beautiful, you have purpose. I am so excited to hear from you and hear your story. I'm looking forward to supporting you as you step into your purposeful life.